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Rototour 2016

It was so exciting to be able to host a Rototour in our home country and have the opportunity to show off just how lucky we are to live and work in Australia.  23 people from 6 different countries had the time of their lives! The tour kicked off in sunny Brisbane with a spin on the Brisbane eye and dinner at a local pub before a good night sleep as the next day was action packed. First up was a visit to Polyworld, where attendees were offered Vodka and a breath test, a first on tour

And then it was off to Q Tank and Global Rotomoulding and an interesting look at the outback, including sheep searing right before dinner.  The next morning was Bushman Tanks and then back to Brisbane for the flight to Melbourne. Waking up to the most glorious views of the Yarra River, attendees had a full day of touring the factories of Melbourne Rotomould, Roto Industries and out to Kiel Industries before heading back for a Chinese Fusion dinner.

The next day was a tour of Viscount Rotational Moulding, followed by a quick stop at Brighton Beach for photos and then back to the airport to fly up to the Gold Coast.  The weather was exception form some time out on the water and a visit to Taylex Industries and Superior Rotomoulding.  Then all of the attendees were very lucky to experience a short helicopter ride over the stunning beaches of the coast.  The tour ended with Rotomould 2016: The ARMO Conference held at the Intercontinental Sanctuary Cove. 

Everyone on tour was able to see a kangaroo and hold a koala!

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